Arthrokinematic MR

Arthrokinematic MR

Arthrokinematic MR (Maggi-Ritzmann)

The arthrokinematic adjustment of the pelvic girdle, according to the technique developed by Bruno Maggi, M.D. and Dorin Ritzmann, M.D., is an exceedingly effective method to gently solve pelvic issues and their associated side effects.

This technique was initially used in the context of gynecology and obstetrics by Dorin Ritzmann, and has evolved to also be utilized successfully for athletes, adolescents and post-operative clients with issues.

Any blockage in the sacroiliac joint, which connects the lower spine with the pelvis, can be manifested through various symptoms such as:

  • Radiating pain through the buttocks, legs and shoulders
  • Restricted movement while bending, standing up or walking
  • Aggravation of herniated discs, scoliosis and arthrosis of the spine
  • Pelvic region organ issues
  • Childbirth issues

This blockage is also referenced as the SIJ Syndrome (sacroiliac joint)

The sacroiliac joint can be released with gentle physical manipulations while laying on your side.

More information is available (in German only) on the website and in a detailed article by Dorin Ritzmann (also only in German) in Die Hebamme (The Journal for Midwives) titled  Arthrokinematische Adjustierung des Beckenrings. (Arthrokinematic Adjustments of the Pelvic Girdle)

Es gelten folgende Schutzmassnahmen betreffend der aktuellen Lage des Coronaviruses:Vor jeder Behandlung wird der Raum gründlich gelüftet und desinfiziert und wie immer sämtliche Wäsche gewechselt. Wir bitten alle Kunden mit Erkältungssymptomen, Unwohlsein und Husten, ihre Behandlungen erst dann zu buchen, wenn sie wieder vollkommen gesund sind. Wir behalten uns vor, Kunden mit Grippesymptomen oder Husten darauf hinzuweisen und die Behandlung zu verschieben. 

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