

Swedish Massage

Classical massage (Swedish Massage) is known to be effectively focused on the muscular system and the related connective tissues.  Utilizing manual techniques of: stroking, kneading, rubbing, rhythmical tapping and vibratory variations in order to relieve muscular issues.

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Hawaiian Lomilomi

Lomilomi is a Hawaiian traditional form of healing massage. Long rhythmically applied strokes with the forearms, combined with loosening of the joints, stretching and energy work have an unique relaxing effect on the body and the spirit. 
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Foot Reflexology

Foot reflexology enhances overall the function of disturbed organs or tissues in the body. It encourages the self healing powers. The immune system, the digestion, menstruation and muscular dysbalances can be regulated. 
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Sports Massage & Trigger Points

With various specific techniques for the athlete this massage can enhance the blood circulation of the muscle and its regeneration. A targeted trigger point therapy reduces persistent muscles tensions. 
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Arthrokinematic MR

Releasing of blockages in the Sacroiliac joint, treatment of lumbago with the Arthrokinematic MR method.
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